Privacy Policy

When you become a client of Tree of Life you agree to Tree of Life holding personal details about you. We hold these details securely in accordance with the policy below. You can also download a copy of this policy by clicking here

Personal data is any information about you that enables you to be identified. It covers information such as your name and contact details, it may also include identification numbers or electronic location data.

The personal data Tree of Life collects may include all or some of the following:

Date of Birth
Email address
Telephone/mobile number
GP/Surgery details
Emergency Contact details
Business name
Job title
Payment information

The information provided under GDPR guidelines must have lawful reasons for using personal data. You will have agreed to the terms in the contract as well as those set out in this policy. These are for:

Communicating with you
Providing and managing Tree of Life services to you
Supplying information to you 
Being able to contact a GP in an emergency.
Where required by law

Personal data will not be kept for any longer than is necessary. It will only be used in line with the purposes for which it was collected. The BACP requires information/notes to be kept for 7 years. If you would like me to delete/destroy your information before this please tell me.