
I have worked with many people, through a wide range of situations. With whom, I have worked to help them understand themselves, their past, their present and to find their individual way through to an improved place. It is a joy to share in someone's success and to see them empowered, their circumstances altered and people leave with a new sense of self and purpose, improved relationships and an enhanced meaning to life. 

Here are what a few of my clients have said. 

‘It always helps coming to see you'.
Young woman with CPTSD and an eating disorder

‘I feel I can tell you anything.’ 
Young person with family relationship issues.

‘This is the best therapeutic relationship I have had.’
Ex therapist.

‘I would never have got through this without coming to see you.’ 
Woman going through a divorce.

I feel counselling with you has been so successful I have booked onto a course to train as a counsellor. 
Lady with communication challenges at work and in family.

'You are doing well still seeing me, I've had 5 counsellors before you who I've not stayed with' 
Young adult with ADHD.

'You are the most non-judgemental person I've met'
Young adult with a false persona. 

'If I hadn't come to see you I wouldn't have got rid of the voices on my shoulders weighing me down. My voice is the one that counts. Thank you for helping me to listen to it and finding a way forward with my life.' 
Middle-aged man at a crossroads, feeling held back by voices from his childhood.

'I feel I have made such good progress with you I no longer need to come and I know where I can return should I need to. Thanks to your help I am free'
Sexual and Domestic Abuse Survivor

‘Thank you. I feel 100% better having come to see you.’
Client with work related problems

'A hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life'.